I should start by saying that this genre of game is not a favourite of mine. However, I did spend roughly 40 hours on Rimworld and was left feeling satisfied by the experience. Anyway, Rimworld is a game where you manage a colony stranded on a similar to Earth planet, the end goal is to leave. It has a simplistic top-down 2D style, but the game has a lot of depth. If you enjoy these kinds of strategy games where reaction times are not needed, then you should try Rimworld. Who knows, for you, it might be a 9 or 10?

Rimworld is more about your story than anything else. There is no need to be a good writer, though, the game provides enough interesting situations. One time my colony got attacked by a rabid dog and half of my people died.

Mechanics and gameplay
I could spend the next 15 paragraphs explaining all the intricate mechanics, but there might be a word limit, so you should know there is a lot. This might seem intimidating, but I found it to be fairly easy to grasp the basics early on.
The colony goes from a few people barely surviving in the wilderness, to a small village that meets all the basic expectations, and eventually to a highly mechanized society that is trying to build to a rocket. The player is there for all of it, and they get to see it grow in real time.

Graphics and artstyle
As I said – simplistic top-down 2D, it won’t win any beauty contests, but it gives enough information, and I never found myself confused while playing it.

Rimworld is as much about the weird and intense moments as it is about the quiet ones. Those times when there isn’t anything to do other than watch your colonists go about their day – working sleeping eating, interacting. At the end of the day that’s how life is, no one can say that every day something significant happens, most days people just live.
I wouldn’t say I was immersed as much as I was invested.

There isn’t much to say about the ost, it is good background music, but not the type that I would listen to in my free time. I don’t have a favourite.

Final Thoughts
My prison area was a room with no light, beds or anything comforting, that also doubled as a corpse disposal.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
