(Never played the original Dark Souls, so I can’t comment on how the remaster compares.)
Whenever a list of the most influential games of all time is made, among the likes of Doom, Half-Life and others one may see Dark Souls. It spawned the Souls-like genre, of which many new releases are a part of nowadays. However, it's rare that they manage to capture the true essence of Dark Souls. It’s not just a difficult RPG. The lore and the way the unique way the story is presented combined with the heavy atmosphere and an immersive world is what makes Dark Souls stand out.
I know I am praising this game a lot, but for me, this is the epitome of games as art. It's not just mindless entertainment, it made me think, wonder about its world and its story. Even now, months after finishing it, I still get emotional thinking about some of the characters and what they said to me.
I don’t guarantee that you will enjoy this game, many won't, but I believe that anyone and everyone should try it or at least any of the other souls-likes.

In Dark Souls, there is rarely a point where the story is directly told to you. You yourself have to piece it together from item descriptions, environmental clues and the rare times when you get to talk to an NPC. This can seem to be an exhausting task, but the world was so interesting, I sought out more knowledge wherever possible.

Mechanics and gameplay
Ironically, called the game that invented difficulty, Dark Souls is for most people a hard game. It is its most notable feature when discussed in popular culture. Its lack of an easy mode makes its intentions apparent. It's hard because it has to be. Without it, the entire game would fall apart. None of its rewards or its quieter moments would be nearly as impactful without the challenge to get to them.
Personally, the first half of Dark Souls is a 10/10 (even higher if it was possible) while the second is an 8/10. The beginning at the level of level design all games aspire to. Both feeling open and linear, you will often be going back to an old area you expected to be miles from, thus tying the world together. It gives the feeling that this could be an actual place. The second half is the opposite. The places you have to go aren’t connected to each other in any way. I heard that the end of the development was rushed, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was true.

I am sure the remaster played a part in this, but I think Dark Souls looks good. It’s that point of style over graphical fidelity. Anor Londo will forever look good, no matter how much graphics progress in the future.

In Dark Souls, you are canonically immortal. But you are not alone in this, one doesn’t need to play much of the game to find other undead like the player. They were once like you, the difference being they gave up. With this realization, the world of Dark Souls takes a much somber tone. It’s one of lost resolve and broken dreams.
“Don’t you dare go hollow” – This one simple line hit me harder than any other in any game I’ve played. At this point, the game transcends its own world and directly addresses the player. It pleads with them to not give up, to keep going, and it's not just talking about the game.

With the foresight of having played multiple of the later titles, the ost of Dark Souls seems a bit subdued and at times can sound the same. I do still think it’s a good soundtrack that fits the theme of the game, it's just that I know that they can do even better. My favourite part is “A Moment’s Peace”.

Final Thoughts
Whoever did the male hurt sounds hit me up.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2024
