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In terms of gameplay, I’d say part 2 is better since you play as Elizabeth and there’s a huge focus around stealth but at the same time the gameplay kind of pointlessly nerfs you when you’re not hidden.

For example, your guns magically do x5 more damage when you’re hidden but as soon as you’re in a normal gun fight, you shoot nerf darts no matter what gun. The stealth is kind of clunky and exploitable but it can be engaging.

My biggest issue was the story and how they shoehorned taking away Elizabeth’s powers to make her playable and not op, making Daisy Fitzroy have less power and seem like a better person than she is and also retconning all the shit from Bioshock 1 and implying Elizabeth set everything into motion in Bioshock 1. It kind of ruins a lot of the context of Bioshock 1. Slightly better than part 1 but it's still pretty ass.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2023
