Absolute gem of a platformer, this game mixes up retro platforming with modern platforming in a really charming way, once I picked it up I couldn't stop. The visuals are nice but they aren't the main focus on the game, that would be the level design which is very clever. Your character has quite a few moves and the levels are made accordingly: you often have multiple ways to do the levels, even the more difficult ones.

Absolutely do not pass on this game, it may be a bit expensive but it is a masterpiece, and certainly one of my favorite platformers of all time :)

Great hook physics that are very satisfying to master, unfortunately it is riddled with harsh difficulty spikes as well as Mario Maker-esque enemy spam. Out of all the games in this franchise, this is probably not the one you should play

What a gem! While this game looks gorgeous, it doesn't forget the gameplay, which while simple, is still very entertaining, especially in the second half of the game