I went into this game just because ''haha dating birds'' but what I got was something else...something dark.

Hatoful Boyfriend is not just an otome, it goes beyond that. And the only way to reach that is to finish every route, which can be painful. I get that's it's normal in visual novels, but man did they had to drag with that.
But even then, still I'm glad I did it because the true route was amazing. Phenomenally written and completely different from the rest of the game. It even made me emotional too.

So yeah, I highly recommend it for the true end alone. It was one hell of a ride.

As a game, it's alright. As a gacha game, it's pretty bad.

Sweet pool more like sweet poop (this is not hate, this is legit what is it about )

I was looking forward to Sweet pool, because I heard it's very similar to Saya no Uta, which I guess it is? Hey, Gen Urobuchi did help around this BL series too.

Now this is good visual novel, but unfortunately I didn't enjoyed it as I did with other Nitro+chiral games.
While the story and plot were much more serious compared to other Nitro+chiral games, I didn't really had that much. The art style was very bland and the BL themes were kinda weak.

My main complaint about this game is the way choices are made. Choosing between red and blue color is just not for me.

It's still a very depressing and tragic story. Trust me, it really is. There is no happy ending, at all.

It's a shame that I really didn't enjoy this one that much as I thought I would. But hey, maybe one day I will replay it and will like it.

This game will turn you into a psychopath

A very good horror game with inspiration of Edgar Allen Poe and H.P Lovecraft. The art is lovely and the game can be quite terrifying.

I can't tell if this is better or worse than Enzai

This is the perfect visual novel for straight men who want to explore the BL genre. Don't trust me? Well, Gen Urobuchi kinda helped on it, isn't that enough?

While not my first visual novel that I played, this was the first visual novel that I finished the WHOLE. It's a damn good BL game. Yeah, it's pretty edgy and gory (which makes sense because of the world building), so it's not for everyone. But I definitely suggest this if you are into darker BL.

Also, fuck you Shiki. I was really looking forward to your route because your design is so fucking good, but all I got is trauma.
You deserve to burn in the hell, 10/10 would still play your route tho.

If you've even heard about Dramatical Murder, chances are you've seen nothing but people talking about problematic and questionable things. Well, what if I tell you that's just a propaganda made by people who only saw (not so good) anime adaption or have played it, but somehow fell asleep during Ren route.

Yes, it has very disturbing scenes, but those are bad endings (that you don't even don't have to get). But all that makes sense, because it's made by fucking Nitro+chiral. They made other BL visual novels that are even more disturbing. DMMD is literally vanilla compared to their other series.

Ren route is absurd as fuck, no doubt it. But it's really not disgusting as some claim it. I mean Euphoria and Saya no Uta (which I like, mind you) are much more absurd and disgusting. So if you can play and enjoy those games, I don't see why would you shit DMMD for being ''weird''.

But not even surprised, because we all know that anything that is joseimuke will get more shit than other media that is targeted towards male audience.

Anyway, DMMD is a goddamn great BL visual novel. Hell, you can remove BL themes and you would still have very solid visual novel.
There is so much about it that is so good. The character design, the storytelling, the world building, the romance, the fucking soundtrack, just everything about it is well done and unique.
They literally didn't had to go this hard, but they did. God bless Nitro+chiral for making this. I'm sure that future releases will be much well written, but honestly nothing is gonna beat DMMD to me.

Also, Koujaku and Ren are the best boys!!!