Thank goodness I don't need Uplay for this.

I made a post about my background with the series/game so you can check it out if you're interested:

So here we are. This game's combos are kind of brutal, I know this is the black sheep of the family that was meant to appeal to a new audience but it's kinda crazy with its blood, beheadings, cutting people in half (vertical and horizontal), and loads of different weapons. The Prince says a cuss word in the opening boss who is this skimpily leather clad chick who smacks her butt with her swords…~looks Frank Frazetta's way~ 👀

"Hit me harder prince…harder!"

If you wanted me to be quite harsh on this game, I would say that it doesn't seem finished but not in the way you might think. I'm not sure if it's poor optimization or what but the jumping and actual control over Dastan is a little touch and go, the controls could use a bit more tightening (and yes, I tried a mouse & keyboard combo as well as a controller). The cutscenes themselves can seem a bit middling because they can glitch, seem very abrupt or out of place and sometimes the audio cut out (but I get that one's a circumstantial thing). And sometimes the Prince gets his times messed up in dialogue like "I need to go back to the past" when you're already in the past and actually need to go to the present. And certain points of the plot don't make a whole lot of sense.

The story builds off of SoT in such a way that it's a continuation but its so far removed that it's a whole different chapter. I like the idea of Dastan running from pretty much literal death, facing consequences for the last game. So, he's going to try and stop the Sands of Time from ever being made. It's a passable story but it's the vibe that you really pay attention to. With sound: The music is fine when it's actually there, it has a edgy hard metal sort of vibe. The main menu has the same sound effect for everything and it gets kind of tiresome to hear that "Ch-king" over and over again.

(a lot of close ups of his angry little face) As far as gameplay goes, you can see where they might've drawn Assassin's Creed as a conclusion because there were some instances where I felt like stuff a future game could build upon like say for example an open world (which they later tried with the 2008 one) but then fleshed it out in AC. It would be cool to have stealth kills, well AC has that, add that with the idea of "Persia" and make it an assortment of different places instead. But to a certain degree, when does it cease to be 'Prince of Persia'?

Each boss has a certain technique to beating it using your combos, so outside of normal enemies, this is no mindless hack & slash like you might expect, you have to be deliberate, enemies can block. Mix that with clunky controls and it feels like you learn exactly how to do it, it's just the patience to get there after being cheated due to combat, poor camera, controls, or…insta death fall damage?? Anyways, I like that they added combat after SoT apparently had a lack thereof but it's nothing special, I found it kind of annoying if I'm honest.

Each room feels like a relief to get through, this is a challenging game (and yes, I tried both normal and easy mode) so it was a bit of a crawl to get through. You get the sand mechanic but that's only good for 3 at a time which sounds understandable but you'll see…Eventually you get the means to upgrade stuff like health and more sand holders. Other than that though, you can refill sand by breaking the seldom pots and defeating enemies and drinking water to heal. One of things about rewinding is that it keeps your last input which can be both good and bad because it won't leave you completely vulnerable but sometimes that's the very reason you rewound because it tossed you over an edge or something and end up having to use another stock. It also literally uses time, so if you take a second to adjust the camera, it's going to count that.

What I got was different than what I came for but I kind of dig it. There are certain sections where I felt like it required you to be a little too tight though, which for me was based around luck. Everybody talks about the Crash Bandicoot sections and while they're not inherently bad, I could make a singular fault and the run would be over, it's pretty unforgiving in that regard. The bosses eventually start slowly healing themselves too, and towards end game, enemies just become an infinite nuisance because they keep respawning, it's that relentless!

So, this isn't the Prince of Persia game I wanted but it's an interesting one. And while I don't think it's required. I think playing Sands of Time before this would be very rewarding, it only doubled my interest in the remake…if it ever comes out…(and it's as good as the original is said to be.)

Reviewed on Jul 27, 2022
