Chibi-Robo is underrated, like I don’t understand how anybody could say it’s bad unless you didn’t actually play it. It’s a shame we probably won’t get another entry in the series especially considering all the other ones were on DS and 3DS not a proper console. I played some of Zip-Lash before this and actually really liked it, but the Gamecube game doesn’t even compare, it’s a work of art. For right now I don’t think I’ll play any of the other DS titles (though they look interesting) because I don’t see anything living up to how good this game was.

I’ll put this up in my top 5 or 10 favorite games it was that good. I want to see a real version of Chibi-Robo (I already have the amiibo in my house) but other than that there are no other figures and that’s sad.

It’s just my kind of game, the style, the extraordinary sense of personality and character. It blows me away because you spend the game in 1 house! 1 house and you’d expect that to get a bit repetitive, you can look at Toy Story 2 and I adore exploring Andy’s house but if that was the whole game I would still get bored. This doesn’t have that problem somehow?? You start with the basic rooms and unlock the rest later on as you get more gadgets and stuff as well as there always being something to do in those rooms and if you explored a whole room, there’s a bunch more to explore every nook and cranny. Speaking of gadgets and upgrades, if you have a problem with how something works or something is just an inconvenience, pretty much everything gets fixed and improved upon throughout the game, I won’t spoil anything so just hold out. Though there isn’t a bathroom?! Where do they- you know what I’m not even gonna bother.

When I say there’s always something to do, I MEAN THERE’S ALWAYS SOMETHING TO DO! The center of this game is none other than cleaning, and as lackluster as that sounds, this game (again somehow??) makes it interesting and rewarding and an actual game mechanic. I can see how someone could hear that at face value and be turned off by it, but trust me just try it!

You’re only a few centimeters tall so rooms seem pretty big which makes getting around them a little slow at times, sometimes you unlock easier routes but walking speed is the only problem I have with this game. And the only time it actually hits you is towards the end. You can pick up your plug for a slight boost but barely (maybe that lasso thing from Ziplash would come in handy here, make it so you can grapple around the place)

I easily spent 20+ hours on this game, I didn’t 100% it but I finished a lot of the stuff which includes collecting stickers, I wasn’t necessarily aiming for it, just felt like doing it because I like these characters. The game isn’t hard but not always easy, it’s easy for anyone to get into it though. It’s puzzling where necessary but not to the point where you spend hours trying to figure it out, chances are if you come back later, over time it will become clear on how to do it. The story gets deeper than you would think and only makes you love the game and characters even more.

When I say come back to it, I mean there are no obligations, prepare for a gush fest! Perhaps the best thing about this game is that order DOES.NOT.MATTER. You can do whatever, whenever, and not have to worry about “Oh I did this before that which means I missed my chance.” Nope, none of that. You need to finish a mission to get to another? Not really. You get objectives from characters, you finish them, you make the decisions, you do it if and when you want to do it but that also saves you the stress of multiple routes because it all ends up in the same place. Nothing to worry about at all which is one of the many reasons I would hold this game up as a stress reliever right next to Animal Crossing and Minecraft.

The music is interesting because when you walk, each step has a beat, walk continuously and it makes a song, same with a lot of things like the toothbrush. There is a day and night cycle, where at the end of one or the other, you’ll return to the Chibi-House for your character to rest and you reevaluate your progress. As the time of day or night comes to a close the music will get slightly faster prompting you to get what you’re doing done. I will say some events will need to be done in day or night, there’s always something in both and it’s easy to find out when you need to do it. So check this game out!!

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2021
