Sincerely I like Diofield Chronicle a lot because it is a real-time strategy RPG, like an RTS/RPG hybrid, which gives it a unique genre. When it comes to the story, it has one of the best plot twists I have seen in a game, and it promises an excellent premise for a sequel if we do get a sequel.

Gameplay wise is pretty good; you have units in a similar style to Fire Emblem, and those units have an archetype that they fit into: Blue units are tanks or assassins, Red are vanguards/warriors, Purple are mages, and Green are archers. Each of them with its uses as you manage their cooldowns and positioning on the battlefield.

Fighting in real-time with your troops is interesting, and there are levels when it is exciting to navigate the areas and debate whether to keep a unified front or split your squad. Sadly I found the combat easy, and I would have preferred a bit of a challenge. It also needs to improve on the same problem most games of the genre have; as you acquire new characters, older characters that you got at the start fall off. You have to replace your units with better ones, and while this does give each unit an identity to be highlighted, it makes weaker units feel terrible to play, and your favorites might not make the cut in your active squadron.

Taking characters to their best set, like legendary weapons and gear, is satisfactory, making progression enjoyable. Graphically it doesn't have great models for the characters, but levels and abilities are visually appealing. The art design and character design are where the game shines, giving a touch sense of Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics.

If you enjoy turn-based combat and strategy games such as Fire Emblem, Command and Conquer, and anime, you might want to give this title a shot. It is a great game that could use a sequel to improve its base.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2023
