It took me four years to finally get around to playing this game. I mean, can you believe that? I played the majority of the Uncharted series in 2020, when we were all locked down - the entire series was made free, with the exception of The Lost Legacy. I binged it, and with the story of Nathan Drake being brought to a perfect close, The Lost Legacy was a piece of content I had zero motivation to go out of my way to purchase.

That being said, The Lost Legacy was an opportunity - an opportunity to add depth to some of the characters that had played supporting roles throughout Nate’s journeys that had otherwise been a little one-note. Chloe and Nadine are the obvious choices. Chloe was merely introduced as an alternate love interest to Nathan Drake, and though becoming a fan favorite, had a great amount of room to expand on her character. And as for Nadine, she was unfortunately greatly underdeveloped and left much to be desired. She was, in essence, a plot device - an extremely cool one, mind you - a reminder that Nathan Drake is by no means a professional. Despite being the luckiest man alive and having a good few adventures under his belt, he and his brother were still easily humbled by a formally trained martial artist. And in the context of Uncharted 4, this works extremely well, but it leaves so many opportunities to continue Nadine’s story.

I’ll admit, I was skeptical going into The Lost Legacy. Chloe was never particularly a memorable character to me, nor was Nadine interesting enough that I really wanted a full campaign starring her. In my mind, both had served their purposes in a story that wasn’t really theirs.

The Lost Legacy essentially resolved any of these fears and problems I may have with their characters. Their dynamic is great, and this game brings some much needed depth and background to both of their characters.

I don’t know what Naughty Dog’s intention was in developing Lost Legacy - but if it was to prove that, perhaps, Chloe Frazer could be the lead of another Uncharted trilogy - then sign me up. There’s so much further we can go from here, and The Lost Legacy finally made me love her, and Nadine, both.

I will add, it kind of felt like they queerbaited me, but that could be just me. Their chemistry really is excellent. Please, Naughty Dog. In Uncharted 5, give the LGBTQ+ community what they need. I really, really want to see them kiss.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is just another solid entry into this franchise. It’s not mind-blowing, nor is the story anywhere near as fulfilling as A Thief’s End. But the incredibly fun gameplay of Uncharted 4 remains intact - and story-wise, it does exactly what it sets out to do. That being to further develop characters from the Nathan Drake saga that aren’t Nathan Drake.

I don’t know if we’ll ever get Uncharted 5. It would be perfectly valid for Naughty Dog to want the main series to end alongside the story of Nathan Drake. But with Lost Legacy, they proved that Chloe Frazer makes for a damn good protagonist, and I really, truly hope they don’t squander that potential.

Also, that final chapter was just a massive Uncharted 2 reference, and I loved every second of it.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
