I really enjoyed the first few hours I played as I was progressing at a steady pace and was charmed by this quaint little game. However, once you get stuck, the experience becomes miserable. This is because there is no map to fall back on, to help you figure out what you are missing or where you need to go at this stage in the game, as in all other metroidvania style games. The omission of a map may have been acceptable if the level design wasn't so labyrinthine and the visuals often homogenous. As a result of this I convinced myself I was missing a vital upgrade, so I tirelessly explored for over an hour, which really made me sour on the experience as I refused to give in to looking anything up, which is a customary practice for me. Eventually I gave in, thankfully, and realised I was misunderstanding the message located before the Tower Remains, which allowed me to progress. The game being in 3D further exacerbates the problem of uncertainty regarding what is gated by which ability.

Once I overcame this hiccup, I did begin to enjoy the game again, and I was able to appreciate the full range of Cybil's move-set, the movement is exceptional and makes traversing these mostly bland levels satisfying. The Sun Greeves are its only iffy aspect, however you become less and less reliant on them as the game goes on. The combat in this game is very poor but the game knows this and does not force it upon you often, instead most enemies function as a refill for your health, to prevent you from dying to acid damage received while platforming. The game also possesses a very pleasing atmosphere, which is dreamlike and almost surreal, this is thanks to its tranquil music and hazy visuals.

I know I’ve been mostly very negative here however I largely enjoyed my time with Psuedoregalia. I would like to commend the dev who designed this game, its successful parts are outstanding and have me extremely excited for what they produce next. I do however hope that they revisit the creative ideas offered up here, with more development time and resources.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

Hi there was just an update they added the map and a bunch of other stuff it’s so good