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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 20, 2022

First played

April 14, 2022

Platforms Played


I found this surprisingly fun as a Gundam fan. It's like a janky, cracked out Star Fox.

The main campaign mode is disappointingly short, covering only the last thirdish of the original Gundam series (I think Journey to Jaburo covered the story up to this game's point) but it is easily the most fun part of the game. The campaign immediately jumps into the action, I found myself already fighting Big Zam minutes into this mode, things move really fast and it's super exciting. The other modes I played were the Thoroughbred mode and the Ace pilots mode, both were missing the on rails sections that the main campaign had which was disappointing. The Ace pilots mode makes up the largest portion of the singleplayer content as you get to play as a bunch of cool pilots from the original Gundam and even three from 0083 which was cool.

They also reanimated some scenes from the original Gundam anime, most of which I found pretty cool. But I was a little disappointed by the reanimated bazooka decapitation being censored, presumably so they wouldn't get an M rating. I liked most of the English voice acting, I think the actors are mostly returning ones from one of the Show's English dubs, but I don't know for sure. Characters not from the original T.V. show don't seem to get the same voice acting quality though and are underwhelming.

The game runs fairly well overall, but it occasionally slows down if things get chaotic enough, but the framerate was far from being a problem for me.

I think this game's scoring system could've been a lot better, there's a specific what-if scenario in the Thoroughbred mode that can only be unlocked by getting an A-rank, but I couldn't get this no matter how hard I tried. The best way to get score from what I've managed to find online is to do multitarget lock attacks, which is honestly not useful against enemy mobile suits and is not very fun to spam in my opinion. It doesn't seem to reward faster playing or even taking less damage very much in regards to the score if at all.

The gameplay is fairly simple and the controls are weird at first but work fairly well once you get the hang of things. My main frustration with the gameplay is that certain enemies like to spam a spin move that breaks your lock on which just gets annoying and makes little sense how something like Big Zam can escape my lock by doing a star fox barrel roll, most common enemies don't use this but it's still annoying to encounter one who abuses this. Other than these complaints, I generally enjoyed the combat with its emphasis on fast frantic action and the spectacle it can provide.

Overall, much of my enjoyment of this game is because I'm already a Gundam fan and I don't think non-fans should touch this game. If you are a fan, don't expect a masterpiece but it's still really worthwhile if you can get it for a decent price. This is one of those games that can put a big grin on my face from playing it, and very few games have done that for me.