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I wanted to revisit this review. I feel like I certainly did not give the game the credit it deserves before by my super short kns3 beg, so I will make up for it now.

This game was amazing. The music, art, story, characters, the only issue I had with it was that it had too many H scenes. But that isn't what was entirely important for me. What really made the game for me and something that will stick with me forever will be one specific character.

That specific character would be Kazuna. Throughout the game she is struggling with so much, from her dad not accepting her acting career, her sister missing, loss, regret, all of it. But somehow, she was able to stay herself throughout all of it. Even at the very end of the true ending, where her long lost and presumably dead sister appears right infront of her eyes and attempts at killing her, she still didn't give in, and put her sister first enough that she was willingly going to die for her.

Just thinking about what Kazuna has went through and how she was able to handle it all really gave me hope for my own self, and effectively changed my mindset completely into trying to be a healthier, more positive version of myself. One that doesn't give in to the negatives surrounding me on a daily basis.

I don't know how long this mindset will last, but I owe it all to Innocent Grey for creating such an amazing character. I'm extremely greatful to have gotten the opportunity to have played this game. I don't believe I'll ever forget it.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2022


2 years ago

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