As a heads up, apparently the rating can't change per log so the overall rating for the PS1 rating that I would give it is a 3 out of 5.

Lemme just say for the record that I really love Rayman 2, heck, I just recently completed a recent playthrough for the copy I have had ever since I was a kid, for the N64, for the first time in a while. So I went into the PS1 version completely blind, as I got further into the game I was more so fascinated by how much stuff was cut from this version. The levels are not only shorter, but also feel smaller, the visuals look rough, all the bonus minigames are taken away, heck they even got rid of two levels completely, it's pretty astonishing. I imagine this was because the PS1 discs had more limits compared to the other versions of the game, so I can't really fault the developers for any of these changes. I wouldn't say it's entirely bad, I still have fun with this version and in its defense there are a few things this version did better than at least the N64, but I do think other changes they did make, like having full-fledged voice acting among many other things, wasn't worth the cuts and the things that this is better at are, well like I said, very few. So if I were to recommend one over the others, I'd say go with the N64 and even the PS2 versions over this one (can't say anything about the Dreamcast version since I haven't played that one). Out of all the console versions of this game, it's easily the weakest one.

For reference, the N64 version would get a 4.5 out of 5 while the PS1 version gets a 3 out of 5.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2021
