I like the approach this version of Rayman 2 took. Unlike the PS1 version, I love the way they expanded on this version of the game by giving it an open world to explore to get to the levels, the visuals look fantastic during the time, and the levels simultaneously look about the same and yet make them feel bigger and still manage to be fun. The other additions like the unlock-able minigames, the new boss battles, the attack upgrades also provide something new that didn't feel unnecessary to somewhat separate it from the other versions of the game. However, when I replay this game there are a couple of times where the game get be a little hit detection sensitive and buggy as hell. Particularly with the walking shell parts of the game. I just feel like there are times where I was hit and had to respawn at my next checkpoint even though it looked like something barely hit me or didn't hit me at all. Also if you thought the walking shell stages were janky before, man, they feel super slippery in this version of the game. I lost count of times the game would freak out on me and acted as if I was flung around like a rag doll for just barely touching anything during those parts of the game. Same goes for the ending of the game, which I won't say why because of spoilers. There are also times where the camera would not cooperate too. But overall still a great version of the game. I still prefer the N64 version personally, but if you can't go for that, this is a better alternative than the PS1 version imo.

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2021
