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Finally got around to finishing this game after like three years of owning it. I may have some fun nostalgic memories of watching my brother play this on his Xbox and having a grand old time watching all of Medici blow up around him, but now that I've played it for myself, I can actually give an informed opinion on it.
The story is a big fat nothingburger. The events feel super disconnected from each other. I barely remember even a single notable event from the plot, and as of writing this review, I beat the game only six hours ago. However, I don't think it's trying to be this groundbreaking story; the real reason a lot of people even play games like this is to blow shit up and cause as much chaos as possible, and it does that extremely well. Dimah was really funny, though; shame she nuked herself out of nowhere and was the only major death among the main cast outside of literally the main villain(at least, that I can remember) in a game about a rebellion involving potentially world-threatening technology.
A good chunk of the missions are not very well designed. The missions where you have to infiltrate bases and do something inside it are not very fun, because they're the complete antithesis of what the game is trying to do: blow shit up and cause a ton of chaos. In these sections, it becomes a shitty third-person shooter while you're trying to accomplish some specific task. God forbid you accidentally bring a rocket launcher into one of the base interior sections. The worst mission in the game by far, though, was, unfortunately, the final mission of the game: the final battle against the toppled dictator Di Ravello. I am not exaggerating when I say that this is the single worst designed final boss fight I have ever seen in a video game. This fight is just so boring. What should be a climactic finale against the Big Bad of the game turns into a waiting game where he's completely invincible for 80% of the time, only for you to have a 5 or 6 second window to shoot at the dude in his extremely fast moving helicopter, and has a living shitload of health. You're pretty much forced to use the nuke launcher you unlock for Rebel Drops from the mission prior if you want to do any semblance of damage to him, since any other weapon will have you running out of ammo with him still at half health. That completely goes against the whole freedom aspect of the gameplay; forcing you to use a specific weapon against the dude should not be a thing in an already horrendously unfun and uninteractive boss. And he's the final boss, what the hell were they thinking here?!
The most fun I got, and what you'll probably get, out of this game is not doing the main story, but just fucking around. Blowing shit up, causing chaos, trying to stay at heat level 5 for as long as possible while continuing to blow everything up. If that's what you like in a game, then go for it; you can find it on sale on the PlayStation store for like $4 all the time, so there's very little to lose.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2022
