3 Reviews liked by Nokay_neo

So far a bit stiff for a platformer but the art and cut scenes are very enjoyable

Such a huge inspiration for me to continue game dev on godot seeing all the cool tricks used in this game

This DLC was fun overall, you can't go wrong with the nice splatoon vibes that come from it, the music is nice, and the gameplay can be really fun at some points. BUT personally I'm not very good at splatoon and that made it kinda hard to get through. Again that's PERSONAL TO ME but its just the truth. But I appreciate that the DLC is hard because it gives those who want a good splatoon campaign with challenge what they want. And hey, again, the games vibes and cool astetics are off the charts as always though.
Overall, fun DLC that was a little to hard for me to fully enjoy, but if your good at splatoon or are just a fan, you should definitely play. (7.7/10)