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I play every pokémon generation. As I replay more and more of the same games, I want to do things differently every time : what and how many species I want to train, in what order of level, with nicknames or not, which balls I want to collect with, things like that. It's changing over time. That's what I like with the series, it's open to many playstyles and desires. The more the series progresses, the more choices we get. Sword and Shield are very great games for that because of how strong and dense in species the bestiary is. There is plenty to capture, at the rhythm we choose to do so. I have a great time in any of the pokémon games, and I have multiple cartridges of the same ones too. This one, the gen 8 of pokémon, titled as Sword and Shield, makes me feel like in a cold rainy northern country. Its wild open areas, home of a large variety of species, I tend to take a very long time into, just capturing and releasing pokémons, like a zoologist taking care of the wild habitat and taking notes of what I imagine the various species to be like, like roleplaying a researcher writing its encyclopedia, the pokédex. Pokémon is great for imagination. Also, Sword and Shield are by far the easiest to get something done in, because of how quick and generous in useful functionalities they are. The feeling to achieve something may be more tedious to get in previous titles