The more I play these "underground avant-garde arthouse indie games", the more I earn for something down to earth, something more mundane and human, and not "little creepy girls saying cliche things with bad pacing"
probably what happened here is - my ability to analyze media is just not good enough, because I understood nothing (spoilers I guess: The meat? the greenery? the idea of becoming a part of something bigger and be at peace with death? it all probably connected somehow, but I have no idea)
it all felt rushed, and almost like author didn't really understood what they were trying to say? that is, if, they were trying saying anything

The writing is cliche and too crude with the way it was trying to convey its themes, the game is badly paced, art is amazing and im dumb, I don't know
I don't like shitting on small indie devs, but the only good thing I've found about this game is aesthetic, and personally for me, that just not enough

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2023
