Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 in my honest opinion, is a downgrade from what I just played at the end of Chapter 4. The sudden change of almost everything, including stuff outside of BR has left me with many mixed thoughts.

The gunplay has been completely changed in a way that totally throws me off. The small set of new weapons lack any sort of variety, with only 3 ARs, 2 SMGs, 2 Shotguns, 1 Pistol*, 1 Sniper, and 1 Melee. But all of them are able to equip mods and spawn with random sets of mods, which don't help with the variety in the slightest and instead make every gun I pick up feel awkward to use once I engage. The real elephant in the room is that all firearms are now projectiles with bullet drop, and all have increased damage, making some weapons capable of melting health bars if used right.

Weapon balance is all over the place too. The Hyper SMG in particular is easily the worst gun in the game with it's high recoil and low damage, while the Striker AR is easily the best gun in the game with the proper attachments. Then there's the Reaper Sniper... Not only is it the only sniper currently available, it can have 3-5 shots per mag, use any optic that has no glare, and is capable of one-shotting anyone regardless of rarity, health, or any amount of shields. Oh yeah and the Ballistic Shield is there. Was pretty strong at first, but still is extremely annoying to deal with.

Map design is also another thing I'm not really a fan off. I genuinely like the design & theming of everything, but the terrain does not play nice. It's extremely mountainous, having tons of high and low spots with very little mobility tools (as of the current update). And the results of firefights now depend on not just who has the better loot, but also who has the high ground.

Outside of BR, the new UI sucks ass. And I think this is universally agreed upon. The charm from the last major update is gone and looks real bland. My guess is because of the three new games added into Fortnite, but it never had to be like that.

I still think this new Fortnite Chapter has a lot of good going for it though, and it is still perfectly playable. Contrary to what people have said about the new movement, I actually like it. It feels a bit more snappier and responsive than before. And the ability to move while healing is a much appreciated addition, even if it makes the Medi-Mist mostly irrelevant now. The new outfits are also real cool too, and the inclusion of Snake, Raiden, and Peter Griffin were definitely the most shocking additions too, and of course the three new games that were added.

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2024
