For the record: I have finishd this game in the past and I like its flawed, but unique approach to Adventure games. What this review is, is the acknowledgement that the 2015 Remaster, wich is the only official version available, is a broken mess right now. Do not buy this Remaster.

I ran into countless game breaking bugs, sound issues and other glitches. For many of wich I could find posts online of people having the exact same issues, with no solutions or fixes for them. Im pretty such it didnt used to be this way back in 2015 and I cannot speak for the console versions, but some Windows or Driver Update must have introduced these issues on PC.

I hope we will someday get a Patch, be it official or fan made, that fixes the game. Grim Fandango is absolutly deserving of beeing preserved as an important title in gaming history and I would hate if technical issues make it slip through the cracks of time once again, beeing dismissed by future generations because of a broken version sold on digital stores.

Reviewed on Dec 16, 2023


6 months ago

I never saw any bugs or anything like this wtf

6 months ago

@KingGarb Didnt either until my most recent playthrough. I was struggeling even getting through Chapter 1 because of a particular bug where I would try picking up items and the screen would just darken, leaving only the mouse cursor on screen with no ability the click on anything. I hope I just got very, very unlucky but from I read I dont seem to be the only one. It fkn sucks cause I really like Grim Fandango, its an awseome Game.

6 months ago

damn that sucks i genuinely loved this remaster