I did not click with this at all. I found the game monotonous and unengaging for the most part and did not come away with my hours played really finding it memorable or really all that enjoyable. The characters and animations are charming and the game has wacky moments, but it's not enough to save a just ok PS2 platformer. In the era when these kind of games were all over the place, it stands out nowadays for only its style personally. Didn't hate it or anything, nothing in the game was offensively bad. Just very middling overall. I'm disappointed because I adore Sucker Punch's work and love 3D platformers as a genre. It has been a few months and maybe I didn't really give it a fair shake, but I don't think slogging along to beat the game would do my impressions of it any favor. 2 ★

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2023
