I find this game to be fun but I can’t deny it has some really huge flaws. #1, the level design. Especially in the tree levels, you’re sometimes scratching your head wondering where to go. The worst example was a time where there was this huge area with ghosts and pac pellets, I thought I was supposed to go there but in actuality you’re supposed to go to this area on the right with blue bounce points. Once I get there there is a fire barrier that won’t let me through so I go back thinking I missed a metal power up or just went the wrong way. After searching for 5 or so minutes I find out that there’s this thin ledge that’s really hard to see in the fire barrier area and shuffling through it l find a metal power up. Some hints would be nice or something. Another example is also in the tree area but this example applies to a lot of areas in the game. This game loves super thin/tiny platforms that I tend to fall off of over and over again. The worse thing about this is checkpoints are pretty spread out and you have to recollect every stinking fruit and power pellet if you die after each checkpoint. Now That’s just cruel! One death would cost me 10 or so minutes of gameplay because I had to re-collect every thing I got. I think the people that REALLY enjoy this game and think it’s better than the Ghostly Adventures games, have their nostalgia goggles on a bit too tight. I have nostalgia for this game, quite a lot actually but I still see the obvious flaws it has and how the Ghostly Adventures games are just better.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2021
