The gameplay is similar to Baldur's Gate. Isometric, semi turn-based/real-time RPG. I like the spell system, which will have you "create" spells. But it is really just only semi customization. You can tweak a spell a little here or there. They should elaborate on this to make it a lot more exciting.
I like the idea of a multiclass character. It is great that the more I use an ability the better it becomes. I also like to have all skill trees and being able to start skills in other skill trees than the one my type of character would normally do. I just do not like the specific skill trees of this game.
Why does the main character have a completely different skill tree than the companions, and why do the companions have unique skill trees. Why does several of the companions have less customization, like Barik cannot change armor. I know the story behind Barik but I just do not like that I cannot change his armor.
Not enough companions. I can only have 3 with me at all times and there are only 6 in total to choose from. There should have been 12-15 to choose from.

Some voice acting, and the music is ambient but without any wow effect. Do not expect anything impressive. I would say that even Baldur's Gate II had more voice acting in it.

Graphics are not fantastic either, but what is there is acceptable. Not a lot of animations in combat really. Feels the same as BG2 really (better graphics but same amount of animations I would say)

Plays just like Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale. Practically the same. It was solid then and still is.
Use mouse for point-and-click effect. Use keyboard for spell spell selection, camera movement and the allmighty space-pause

The story is bland at best.

I play this game because I like this type of game. Baldur's Gate II being the best of them. This game does not surpass it but it has me remembering why I like BG2.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
