Despite a horrifically bad story, Killzone 3 most certainly delivers on its gameplay. Killzone is a series I've been going through in retrospect, since I didn't own a PS3 until the generation gasped its last breath, meaning I've been experiencing most of the exclusive PS3 games after all the attention has faded away. That being said, being able to look back at this series and play it in order (over an incredibly long length of time) has made me appreciate a lot of what Killzone did for shooters in our more modern era.

Despite the praise I can give to the weapons and general combat feel, Killzone 3 still falls into Sony gimmick bad habits with annoying motion control segments to remind you can't have too much fun in this game; this has been an issue for a while, now and I'm more than certain it will continue to be one in Shadowfall. Nonetheless, the shooting still feels really good and I would certainly say it's a massive improvement from the previous games. I do understand, though, that Killzone's clunkier side was a large part of its charm in the shooter market, and that really went away with this game. While I understand many could be frustrated and wish for the "old Killzone" back, I cannot deny that I had a much better playing experience in this game than any previous entry.

Of course, don't play Killzone 3 for its terrible story, which goes so off the rails so fast, it's really hard to care about anything happening due to the awful writing and equally bad voice performances. I understand the previous stories in Killzone were better, but I still wouldn't argue they're very good all things considered.

Anyway, there's not much left that can be talked about with Killzone 3 nowadays. Although bot matches are available for the multiplayer (this NEEDS to be an industry standard), the online services are understandably shut down. Killzone 3 does offer a co-op campaign that I'd like to try someday, but I wouldn't say I'm rushing to it any time soon.

Killzone 3 certainly has its merits, especially its gameplay and visual prowess for the time, but it's certainly aged in some ways and is additionally not the game it was ten years ago. I'll look back on the PlayStation 3 Killzone games with fondness, but also sort of thankful we've moved on from this era of first-person-shooters.

Reviewed on Jul 18, 2021
