Was playing this with a friend in co-op and I guess it's fine, overall. Nothing special, but in a world where we lack a new Left 4 Dead, it's the next best thing we have. WWZ is honestly pretty generic, but the gameplay suffices the need for co-op zombie-slaying action well enough.

For the PS4 port of the game, it works fine yet has issues. The game experiences significant performance issues when tons of zombies are on screen - at least on the base PS4 - and there's some visual glitches that happen from time to time, but nothing I would consider "game breaking".

Certainly worth a go if you have the pals to play it with, especially with the crazy amount of game modes on offer to play. If you need a "forever game" to pick at from time to time with some friends, or even on your own, there are certainly worse time-killers out there, but don't expect anything special with this.

I have the game "shelved" for now, mainly because my friend and I are more occupied with playing the Resident Evil games together, but we'll return to it soon enough, and I'll have more flushed out thoughts at that time.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2020
