Man, I hate to say it, but Halo 4 is just a mess. On the surface, the game seems pretty alright, but once you dive into Legendary difficulty, the issues rise to the surface in mass.

One-hit-kill hitscan enemies, huge health bars for almost every enemy type, the long, boring-ass levels with an awful checkpoint system, unreliable teammates, minimal ammo for basically every gun in the game, terrible enemy spawns, and SO much more really drags Halo 4 into a serious pit of tedius and repetitive gameplay loops that are torturous to complete.

Halo 4 certainly has its perks with a somewhat okay multiplayer mode, Spartan Ops, and a few campaign highlights, but it's otherwise a tedius experience that I rarely ever enjoy playing (and especially DON'T on legendary).

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2020
