Started playing this a year ago and was just not in the right mindset. Came back to it last week and had an absolute blast. Incredibly poetic and etherial, with hands-down the best atmosphere you can find in dark fantasy. Only at the ending did it truly dawn on me how beautiful and uncompromised of a game Demon’s Souls is.

What the fuck do you mean this is the worst game in the series??? There are better ones?????

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2024


4 days ago

Be careful though people say Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring are better for its gameplay but not for its atmosphere and lore (which doesn't reinvent itself very much) like Demon and Dark Souls 1. Demon Souls is a very resonant game (holy crap that fight against the maiden who keeps reviving people but they become aggresive) but Dark Souls 1 has much more depht lore-wise though

3 days ago

Okay yeah that makes sense, ty for the pointers
Soooo excited for Dark Souls