Ninja Gaiden 2 happens to be one of my favorite games period now when Tecmo koei announced that there would be an updated version on PS3 I got really excited.

And then I actually played and well I don't think they could fuck it up harder if they tried

There are less enemies in Sigma 2 but the trade off is they have waaaaaaaay more health and their grabs do insane fucking damage. Bosses range from absolute pussies to one grab and you die.

difficulty is also massively lowered across the board and any semblance of challenge is robbed from you the second you get Sigma 2's exclusive new weapon Enma's fang a great sword with absurd damage and an insane UT with massive damage and invincibility out the ass.

Some stages are considerably cutdown due to the removal of keys to open doors which is fucking stupid and makes this even more linear than it already is.

the infamous stair encounter which is usually a highlight of the game is a pathetic affair in this version where there are barely 5 enemies on screen as opposed to the absolute madness that occurs on the original version. chapter 14 (11 in the original) is an absolute joke instead of an all out brawl in the village to get to mount Fuji it's instead a brisk jog with like 2 enemies throughout the entire damn stage.

these are just a few examples of the shit this version pulls.

Now this one is just more of a nitpick rather than a serious dealbreaker issue but what the hell is up with removing the blood and having it be purple mist instead? it fucking sucks and makes attacks have less of an impact.

to add more fuel to this dumpster fire in the new collection some moves just flatout don't work which is just bizarre but be wary of that if you are buying that collection I guess.

In short fuck this version go play the Xbox 360 version if you can (preferably on one of the new consoles since it runs good there)

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2021
