After realizing the second part of the FF7 Remake was coming out in 6 weeks, I first had a moment of crisis, upon realizing I had not only forgotten about the release date - I also wasn't terribly excited. I imagine my teen self pulverizing my older now, and screaming at the top of his lungs. "I upgraded our CPU to 200mhz and got more RAM to play FF7 at the lowest settings and resolution on the family PC," he cries as he stomps my face into the pavement.

After thinking about that, I remember this game! For the PSP! I played it most of the way through in my 20s but playing it now, I was surprised by every plot point. Not because they were surprising, but because I had zero recollection of anything, until you meet Gackt.

Turns out, this isn't a great game! Glad they remastered it for legacy's sake, for the completionists and PSP cultists. And the combat is acceptable. But the story is fanfiction-esque with a celebrity insert. And they didn't update the VO! It's AWFUL - which is nostalgic, in that it hurts and is old.

Anyways, six hours in, and Gackt's got a wing, so I guess I'll play Intergrade Episode Yuffie, Big Trouble in Little Wutai, instead.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
