Played with HTC Vive headset and Knuckles (Index Controllers)

I've been with VR since the rough start, as I had a HTC Vive since it came out and haven't upgraded, so I've beat Boneworks before when it came out and played lots of it since then, so when a friend gifted me a pair of their old Index controllers I decided I'd do a replay of Boneworks to test it out.

Now as I've said I have played Boneworks before and in fact I've actually got all the achievements and most of the collectable items, so clearly I really love this game. It has so much optional content and it's defintley worth doing it all, from the Arena to the bonus levels like the hoverjunkers level. They updated the game post launch to add lots of extra levels and such and they clearly cared and I kinda wish Bonelabs received a similar treatment, I get why it hasn't don't get me wrong I just think the game should've been delayed a year this is getting side tracked anyhow.

The main campagin can be pretty short if you know what you're doing but they're all super unique and fun to explore, and as the first big VR game with a campaign it's defintely one of the best. I'm leaving this review spoiler free because if you haven't played it and own a VR headset then you need to play this, though word of advice is that if you use a Vive controller then you will get hand cramps, maybe quest is similar but at least with the Vive it actually hurts your hand since it isn't really designed to be played with the vive though it does work.

It's my 3rd Favourite VR game only H3VR and HLA beat it out for me , but not much is better than those two. I wouldn't say that it's worth getting a VR headset just to play this game, but if you already had one then it's defintley worth getting and you owe it to yourself to play it, it's a super unique experiance with lots of extra content to play after the campaign, though the campagin is super replayable too. It's close to Half-Life level design as well so it's basically another VR Half Life game, Alyx is better but they're very different games, even still the level design and approach to lots of game design is clearly inspired by Half-Life which is a very very good thing.

BTW if you get motion sick easy then DON'T play this game, it's super easy to get motion sick in this especially if you're not used to VR.

(Also btw the Knuckles are super great controllers for VR defintley my fav, and yes I still call them the Knuckles I know they're techincally the Index Controlelrs but I've only known them as the Knuckles so that's what they are)

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2024
