Ar Tonelico 2 is a frenetic JRPG: from its mix of real time and turn-based combat to the rampaging story of a land in chaos, added to the appropriately compressed Pastalian dialect for its song magic, there is very little bloat that breaks the flow and urgency the game sets for itself since the beginning.

The first entry introduces the world's building blocks that this game exploits to build a much more complex and restless setting. In it, a wide array of diversely troubled, anxious and complex characters tread through the narrow reaches of Metafalss on a journey that's deep down an optimistic and compelling story underscored by strong themes of -among other things- existential environmentalism.

This score is for Metafalica Project's fantastic relocalization of the game, played through PS2 emulation.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2021
