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Honestly, coming back to a title I spent so much time on in my youth, Borderlands 1 has absolutely nothing to say in terms of gameplay and quests. The game is absolutely caked on with fetch quest after fetch quest that barely keep you engaged with it's outdated humor, well at least not as outdated as it's sequel. The enhanced edition also brings much more issues to the game then fixes and upgrades as Gearbox STILL hasn't fixed the games memory leak and has made multiplayer almost near unplayable with lag and horrid desync issues. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth as a longtime fan that this is what replaced the original on the steam listing, making fans have to relive one of their favorite games in a worse quality remaster.

One thing that Borderlands 1 does extremely well is it's incredible atmosphere of Pandora's wasteland and the hopelessness that comes with its environment of bloodthirsty bandits and treasure hunters. The story is also pretty captivating with the buildup to whether or not the vault actually exists in the first place, as well as what can be inside of it.

Overall the game isn't bad, but more of a extremely mediocre fps story game. If you're looking for a fun coop experience, there is much better out there than this. If you still want to scratch that Borderlands itch with your buds I would much more steer your attention towards Borderlands 3, or even 2.