In what might be the least surprising event in the history of the gaming industry, HAL has pretty much flawlessly transitioned Kirby to 3D, it might be seriously overdue and it definitely trades in a few things I admittedly liked a lot from previous entries for the sake of keeping things coherent, most noticeably the increasingly crazy, smash bros-esque move-sets have been stripped back quite a lot, but I really can't bring myself to care.

I'm gonna get a little personal and more than a little biased here, this game is everything my autistically Kirby-obsessed 6 year old self could have ever wanted. It's got pretty much everything good you would usually expect from a Kirby game, but everything is just bigger, and I'm not even talking about the transition to 3D here. Kirby games are usually extremely polished and well made to a scary degree as is but this one takes the cake pretty easily. Everything about it is just so god damn well put together.

It controls beautifully and all of the typical Kirby mechanics feel like they've transitioned naturally and perfectly into 3D, every single environment in this game is beautifully crafted, like seriously, there are so many memorable bits and pieces in this game it'd be hard to name them all, I know the Super Mario 3D World comparisons are apt, but where that games level designs are rigid and almost scientific (still fun tho), the level designs here are free flowing and organic, they don't just feel like levels, but legitimate places, to get a bit cliched for a bit.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is fucking delightful. There is no other way to put it more aptly. Like basically every other Kirby game, it definitely isn't the deepest experience you can have with a video game, but it makes up for it just by seemingly effortlessly wonderful to play and look at. And this time around it's got the added bonus of being a little longer, a lot more fleshed out, and polished to an almost unnatural shine.

The boss fights kick ass, too.

high 9/10

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2022
