Judging by the recent wave of sweaty Arena PvP Nerds and irony-poisoned Youtube Video Essayists all seemingly collectively drooling over this game all of a sudden, one would think we were all wrong back in the days when preemptively judging DS2 for its poor design and, well, no. No we weren't, as this game, while possibly over-hated, sure, it's really not something I would call good, especially when compared to the other entires in the Souls trilogy, heck, even when comparing it to more modern Souls-likes it genuinely doesn't stand a chance and you're better off looking somewhere else. Unless of course, you like struggling with clunky controls when navigating rooms full of copy-pasted enemies just to reach underwhelming and mechanically simplistic bosses. For everyone else (Normal People) you'll have more fun with the 3rd game in the series.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
