Little Kitty, Big City is a classic 3D platformer in an open city level where the goal is to find collectibles and complete simple puzzles to complete side quests on the way back to your apartment. The main difference to others in the genre, besides Stray of course, is that you get to play as a cat.

The platforming is traditional for the genre and if the jump button is held down, a jump arc appears which highlights the landing location. This prevents a lot of the frustration with platformers in a 3D space where it can be difficult to judge the distance between the player character and the next ledge over. The jump is fairly forgiving overall and allows the cat to climb up an edge if close enough, giving it a more casual feel that doesn't rely on you counting pixels. A Breath of the Wild-like climbing mechanic comes into play as well and allows further exploration of higher areas of the city. It serves to add a little bit of diversity to platforming without going overly in-depth on traversal mechanics.

The stories and characters are fairly lighthearted and light on content. It definitely would've been nice to see more unique aspects to each storyline both mechanically and narratively, but this is where the game feels restricted by its short runtime. Jumping in boxes, knocking over plants, and acting out many other classic cat tropes were the funniest parts of the game. Though largely, these were for background flavor or side collectibles and lacked any staying power or significant reward, much like petting a cat would be in other games.

At the end of the day, Little Kitty, Big City is a quick and casual platformer that has some good vibes, simple platforming gameplay, and not much more than that.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
