24 reviews liked by OscarLeonardo

i played this with some random nigga on fightcade shit was amazing

Little Nightmares at home, but that's okay because very cool.

“from the mind of Justin Roliand”

no. no. we’re not doing this.

Y'all thought it was sooooo funny when Wheatley and Glados kept incessantly spouting punchlines from your gun in Portal 2, yeah?

Well look at the consequences of your actions.

This review was written before the game released

Boycotting until they add Big Chungus 😡😡

This review was written before the game released

Although Iron Giant shouldn’t be fighting, the fact that he’s paired with Superman shows that someone on the development team actually watched Iron Giant which is more than you can say for Ready Player One

me when i insist on still calling it twitter

"Mom, can we have Call of Duty?"
"We have Call of Duty at the orphanage and your mother is dead, Jimmy."

OoOoOoOoOoOOoOOH !!!! Spooky walking simulator !!!! OoOoOooOOOOoOOH

1 list liked by OscarLeonardo