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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a textbook example of how to take an already beloved game franchise and just elevate it to the next level.

The abundance of quality of life additions to this game give it a sense of fluidity and polish that fit so naturally into the gameplay systems that it's hard to believe we ever went without them.

The ability to switch to and from Peter and Miles seamlessly in the open world (except for key story moments) helps the gameplay to fresh. This is because the introduction of separate skill trees and abilities really make each character have their own flavour and style. Hearing and comparing the various quips and reactions to events is also refreshing, especially when they get to interact with various friends and foes that a particular character may have a history with.

There's some incredible story moments especially within Kraven and the SYMBIOTE suit storyline however I was a little let down by the third act of the game where I was taken out of the story by some of the weaker writing.

Despite this, the sheer scale and volume of boss fights in this game helped to bide over some of the lesser story elements. Stand out fights for me we're the lizard and of course Vemom.

As much as I'd love to call this game perfect, I found that post game and side content to be lacking. Repetitive gameplay cycles plague insomniacs open world formula, which is a shame because the stories they have to tell are often genuinely interesting, it's just a slight chore to get to them sometimes. This is definitely something I hope to see changed in a future game.

Nevertheless the strong characters and personal stories as well extremely next level cinematic fights mean it's hard not to recommend this game to anyone who enjoys superhero action.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2023
