This game holds many improvements and downgrades from Super Castlevania 4

The control has been reverted to the NES style of handling but honestly labeling it as a downgrade is kind of a surface level complaint.

The pure amount of options the player has leads this to be one of the few games I deem to be both difficult and fair. Every situation the player is thrown into can be worked around with the proper execution. The new backflip richter is able to do grants invulnerability for a part of the animation too so dodging enemy attacks is made infinitely easier

Using weapons in castlevania is much like Mega man in the way that using the right scenario to make an otherwise challenging section extremely more manageable never gets old. Almost every weapon has numerous chances to shine but none break the game like triple shot holy water in both castlevania 1&3.

overall the game just has alot of polish and the platforming elements along with the enemy placement just provides an experience not many platformers can replicate alongside the absolutely GORGEOUS visuals and fantastic soundtrack that give the game so much charm.

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2021
