Very impressive graphics for the Master System era and a fun little version of Aladdin albeit probably the worst one of the console releases. Platforming doesn't feel as smooth as in the other versions but this one does the best job at telling the story and really captures the feel of the movie!

I grew up with the Mega Drive version and I only knew this version from videos on Youtube before. A completely different game of course, extremely different in its gameplay too. Since I always loved the Mega Drive version, I also always thought that it was the superior one. Now I'm not so sure!

This one is actually super fun and the gameplay mechanics work really well. I also really dig the look. If I had to pick a favorite now it would probably be the SNES version but I love them both!

This game was a lot better in my memories than it actually is. I loved it as a child. Sadly it doesn't hold up very well.
It's still very charming and I enjoyed playing through it again. The idea of exploring these different dream worlds is great and makes for a lot of variety. I also really like Nitecap and Threadbear as the villains.

However the gameplay is very lackluster compared to some other 3D platformers of the time. The hit boxes are awful and jumping doesn't feel very precise. Level design also varies a lot in quality, the underwater levels are annoying.

A fun game but ultimately just okay. Only worth playing if you grew up with it as a child.

This is the version of Aladdin I grew up with and it was always my favorite. Now that I also playe the SNES version I actually have to admit that that one is more fun.

I still really like the Mega Drive version, the graphics are absolutely beautiful for a Mega Drive game and the sword play in this one is really fun but the platforming is where it's a little big lackluster. Doesn't feel nearly as good as on the SNES version. I will still always have very fond memories of this game and it's definitely still worth playing!