Really sad to see the franchise go down in quality after the fairly good upgrade 2 was for the series.

The technical aspects are what kills this for me and for most that played/will play this. Movement is so janky, you consistently have to fight the controls to do what you are supposed to do, I had to restart the game at least 3 times because it would randomly get stuck.

Voice acting was overall really bad, kate and oscar do a very good job as always but the supporting cast had either really bad actor choices that didn't fit with the character or just didn't know what they were doing.

Those unfortunately tarnish what would otherwise be a very good experience. The story doesn't hit as hard as 2 but it has some nice beats, puzzles are fairly enjoyable and you don't get stuck or have to waste time nearly as much as in previous entries. The soundtrack is as always really well done.

Wasted opportunity, if you REALLY like the Syberia series then you probably shouldn't skip this one but otherwise, I can't recommend this in good conscience.

My favorite entry in the mafia series by far.

The mechanics evolved quite a bit from the first entry but what really makes this game good is its insanely good story.

A well-written mafia tale that explores really well the inner workings of its main cast, and the problems with American society, and still have time to do very good set pieces and action.

A clear recommendation from my side, you should play this.

In all senses an upgrade from the first title.

A better story that feels more important and has a satisfying conclusion.

The game is a lot smoother and quicker which makes the exploration and the eventual trial and error not as boring.

There is still some unnecessary backtracking and some puzzles can have quite a few leaps of logic to figure out, you also need to have gone through the first title to understand the story for this one.

All in all a very worthy successor.

Mechanics didn't age well, you will waste a lot of time in annoying travel time if you don't follow a walkthrough or a guide.

The story is still pretty interesting, the characters are compelling and the ambientation is nice.

So sad that some dated mechanics drag this down so much.

I quite enjoyed the original Mafia game, it was quite clunky but the way it dealt with open-world was fresh to the time.

The remake makes some parts better but not enough to really elevate it to modern standards. What was a clumsy but endearing experience is now just a dated mish-mash of concepts and narrative.

It's enjoyable to play through but not worth the full price tag.


Solid classic. Frenetic and fluid gameplay leads to a really enjoyable flow to the experience. It's not perfect, sometimes it can feel a bit samey but those few and far between flaws don't take much from the genre-defining game that is Quake.

Interesting initial mechanics coupled with a mysterious setting makes for very good first impressions.

Unfortunately, the game never evolves from that. The story goes from being mysterious to just confusing if you don't read every single collectible or go look for explanations on forums. Also besides from one or two moments, the mechanics never go further from what was initially established.

It's not bad, but also never becomes great, had a lot of potentials.