So to tell really what i think... I have a lot to say about this game, but in the same time i want to resume my experience with Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.
I want start talking about that, for me, this game is a 8/10. But...

The game have problems, definitely, like this game graphics are just ok, is not a game with new generation's graphics. When you play games like A Plague Tale: Requiem, you saw what is a beautiful game, but a interesting point is that in the same time that the graphics in game are just ok, in the cutscenes it is just good.

Wo Long have some problems with fps to, specifically in the Ps4, and Xbox One, the old generation, but we can see fps falls in consoles like Series X, and Ps5. What make me went in the conclusion that this game obviously have polish problems.

Best Points:
Ok so after saying all problems that i had in my experience, i need to say that, this game is just incredible fun, the gameplay of Wo Long is another level, probably one of the best combat systems that we have in video games so far, is just great do a parry and after that destroy the enemy with a martial art skill, the feeling that it pass is great. The history is very good to, is nothing revolutionary but it worked.

If you haven't had a experience with Souls Like, Wo Long is a good choice, The game is not so difficult in the genre, is not so punitive as games like Sekiro and the first Nioh , but in the same that have a good balance, gameplay style, and is faster than games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring in combat too.

In general i recommend Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, i recommend even more if you have the game pass. I don't think that Wo Long is better than games like Hogwarts or Dead Space Remake, but is a very good game, give it a trial. 8/10.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2023
