I went into this game with decent expectations, the developers previous game that I had played was ''Missing Hiker'' and I found that game to be extremely mediocre, but a promising start.

This is the developers next game, and it is a massive step up from it, though still not anything good. The game mainly has a great concept, you are a police officer trying to find a ''Mimic'' which is killing people, disguised as another human. You ask civilians for clues, to try and locate where it is.

My main issue with it, is that when you find the Mimic, you just end up killing it instantly. All of the people you run into basically can be ignored, if you just follow your map. I would have liked more ''detective'' aspects to the game, maybe one of the NPCs you talk to is actually the Mimic, and you need to decipher who it is, I think that could have been cool.

Now the game is free, and for a free game it's alright. And I do hope this developer gets better in the future.

Overall: 6/10

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2024
