Honestly, I didn't think they could do it, but this may just be one of my favorite games in the franchise. The weapon selection is great, they all feel great, the level design is fantastic as it is very reminiscent of Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal, and the movement feels just as good. The game looks so pretty too!

I did have some Issues though that I have to address. Sometimes, in some areas, my framerate takes a serious dive. In two different planets, in specific areas that you go through normally, it can get as low as 20fps for me with a mix of medium, high and ultra settings on a 3060ti, which is very inconsistent with the rest of the game that runs very smooth. Maybe this will get fixed in the future as well as some crashes that trigger pretty consistently with a specific weapon.

I was excited for this game when it was announced that it was coming to PC, and I am glad that it lived up to my expectations and more. When I finished this game not once, not twice, not three, but FOUR times, I could not stop gushing about it to my friends!

Honestly, it's up there with Going Commando, Deadlocked, and Future: Crack in Time.

Reviewed on Nov 30, 2023
