This game is a perfect example of good ideas with bad execution.
The concept of the game is you are a robot who loses his body at the beginning of the game, but fortunately you are in a space station filled with robotic animals you can take over. In each level there will be different animals which each come with different abilities and talents you will need to use to solve puzzles, bypass obstacles, and take on other animals: like the dog which is an all-rounder that can jump and bite, the RACING dog which can’t jump but can turbo around and fire missiles, and the sheep which can’t attack but can float long distances. Each level has a set number of missions to complete to activate the exit teleporter, as well as a secret item to collect via hidden objectives. As you go through the game you’ll go to different biomes which each have different animals and new hazards to overcome.
On paper the game sounds amazing, and it can be incredibly fun… At times. Problem is the game has many setbacks with its gameplay. The games difficulty has a habit of ramping up suddenly, and there are a lot of levels that will drive you crazy with inconsistent physics, precision platforming, and enemy animals that can kill you before you have a chance to react. These flaws become all the more annoying with the games jittery camera and the fact that NONE of the stages have checkpoints, so you need to start from the beginning each time you fail. Usually the game does a decent job keeping levels short enough where this isn’t a problem, but then it more frequently starts dropping longer levels and it becomes a migraine.
Space Station Silicon Valley is a game that can really benefit from a remaster or remake, it has a lot going for it from its ideas to its large amount of personality, but it needs another layer of polish. I would still recommend checking the game out, but be ready for the fun parts to be interspersed with early 3D Platformer jank and annoying level designs

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2024
