my hungry ass could NOT seek power 😂

itchio games you get in a bundle whenever some awful world event happens are where you're gonna see some of your purest, most distilled examples of solo indie devs doing whatever the fuck they want. water's fine is a great example of this - a simple, hour-long game with an extremely basic concept that's easy to completely break but has the fun aesthetics and wacky bullshit to back it up.

really, there isn't a whole lot to this one. stack paper until you get unlimited bombs then fuck everything up - just like real life. but with how simple it is, the sudden tonal shift at the end REALLY caught me off guard (in a good way, of course). i played a few games from the same creator a few years back, and the aesthetic her games have is really something special - this one's no different.

while it's not complex and easy as shit, it does exactly what it sets out to do without overstaying its welcome and i can appreciate that. good game

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2024
