Thoroughly subverts and deconstructs the puerile black and white pro-altruism morality tale that is Star Wars, that's why the final boss is the embodiment of the dark triad (Darth Ayn Rand, she read Beyond Good And Evil one too many times) and you're scolded for falling to the dark side instead of getting a heckin epic badass ending where you and your evil psycho wiefU voiced by Jennifer Hale go on to conquer teh world. It's easy to tell Chris Avellone hated the source material, hence why this game that was meant to lead into a sequel is laden with references to obscure expanded universe crap, which Bioware went out of their way to ignore while making their love letter to the franchise where the hero must collect all the mcguffins and defeat (or become) the evilbadman with a superweapon. Playing as a mayun nets you a martial artist wife-U who blesses you with armor from wisdom (I have this feat IRL) while playing as a gUrl saddles you with a character with as much flavor as a wafer, naturally They made the latter the canon option. End of line.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2023
