Most people seem to feel otherwise but I think the prior works of the CRPG legends Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain (namely Diablo 3 and WildStar) shine right through. Fallout 4 might've had more consequential choices for the player to make both in regards to what to click enemies to death with or how to go about the comedy of errors trying to pass itself off as the main conflict, but it didn't have any [Intelligence] dialogue options for Us Erudite RPG Enjoyers, now did it..? I'm ever so glad that the wholesomechungus folX at Obshitian swooped in to save us from the clutches of dumb open world shooters that give you rusty POS power armor and a minigun within the first hour (they would never do that, they made sure it isn't rusty and gave a grenade launcher instead!!). And Yes, just like all my fellow devout anti-capitalists with robust steam libraries and shelves full of amiibos here, I purchased this hallmark product from freegogpcgames dot com and am eagerly awaiting to pay 69,99 for the anti-corpo follow-up published by Microsoft, keep up the fight my brothers&sisters!!

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024
