Finally, an aesthetic that panders to ME.

I am going to be real with you. Rabi-Ribi is honestly the most fun I have had in metroidvania, bar none. Yes, that includes Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night. I’m not quite sure what it is about it, but it’s just so much fun.

The game’s main objective consists of recruiting cute girls to help you power a magic device in your town. To this end, you explore the big wide world of Rabi-Ribi Island to find (and fight) these characters. And holy FUCK was it fun. From the moment the prologue ends, the game’s world completely opens up. While the game points you in the direction of a few girls at a time, you can practically get most of them in any order. It was great, wandering around to see what new areas I could find and searching every nook and cranny for upgrades and items. Getting stronger and seeing my moveset and attacks slowly expand was so satisfying as well.

The game’s got a pretty cute art style and a nice and happy atmosphere and the music is real nice, but my favorite part of the game were the bosses. I was a bit skeptical at first when I heard that the game had heavy bullet hell elements, but I quickly realized I had nothing to worry about. The bosses felt like a combination of Mega Man Zero/Gunvolt fights and Touhou or CAVE patterns, all four of which I am quite fond of. Learning and dodging the patterns and using your various skills to pump as much damage as you can on the boss was fun as fuck.

I don’t know what I expected with this game, but it definitely far exceeded anything I could have had in mind. I still have 100% completion to finish up, and lots of optional superbosses to fight, and this will be the first metroidvania where I actually feel compelled to do everything in it. Besides all the achievements, theres like, over 200 of those. I love the game, but I don’t love it THAT much.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2021

1 Comment

3 years ago

rabi-ribi is a fantastic game, but i can't find it in me to defend that aesthetic