i miss you

my 3ds is broken :((

What can I say? I'm just an ordinary student!

My favorite character is Goro Majima!!!



DMC was always a franchise I really wanted to get to, and I had many many chances to play it years ago. I just didn't for some reason. Now that I finally got to play DMC 3, especially after all the hype I kept hearing on about from my friends I think...

DMC 3 is just good, it's fun and all but I had some gripes with the game that hindered my experience. Let's start with the things I didn't like first, I fucking hated the camera LOL. Sure you can make the excuse of DMC originally being a Resident Evil game to be the reason why the Camera is the way it is, but honestly it just fucking sucks especially for an action game like this, the slow shifting and lack of control of the camera in tight or huge areas really messed up my inputs or lead me to corners where I couldn't tell what was happening at all or even worst I get stuck or confused and the boss just kills me LOL (skill issue yes I suck)

My other nitpick is the lock on, the lock on just kinda sucks too but idk maybe I'm just not used to it yet, in my head I was comparing it to other games like Kingdom Hearts or Yakuza's lock on where it felt natural and tight, not sure if that's the right term. The lock on just didn't feel right to me, but that might be just because of the camera idk.

The last last nitpick I got is that some enemies and bosses are just annoying but that's it

And really, that's all the problems I got with the game, DMC 3 behind all my complaints for it, I genuinely enjoyed it so much. I love how Dante moves and plays like, it feels satisfying and good to move around and attack with him, though I didn't use or learn too much of how the other weapons worked, it felt cool and and funny seeing the cutscenes of Dante fucking around with the newly unlocked weapons, seeing all the absurd shit was so fun. (A little upset the bike wasn't a weapon but it's ok) I played on the pc version and I didn't download the style switch mod, but I'm guessing the whole game would become even more fun if I did. I'm writing this after I beat the main story, still haven't touched Vergil yet but can't wait to try him out.

I think DMC 3 is a 3.5 or 4 out of 5 at the moment, but I genuinely believe it will only go up from here. The more I learn about the game and the better I get, I imagine my view on the game gets better as well. I'll continue to play the other games as I go along and I'll update this score if I do think it's better.

Anyways I love the wahoo wacky pizza man, DMC 3 is pretty fun. Good game.

edit * : This game is fucking awesome 4.5/5 (whatever overrated as hell)