Like somebody put Mario and all three of the GBA Castlevanias into the two teleporter pods from The Fly, and turned the teleporter off mid-transformation so their bodies combined into a horrific chimera
It's excellent, the kind of weird fanservice-y thing Nintendo would never have the balls to make, and it feels like if it wasn't so dependent on the two series, they could've justified selling this game on Steam
But it is dependent on those two series, and it's absolutely incredible for it, it's the length of a proper official game and it's properly in-depth with its enemy variety
It has Goombfalloon
It has Luigi in the role of Maxim from HoD
It's a loving homage to every GBA Castlevania, SotN, and the Mario pantheon
A spectacular argument for the abolishment of "intellectual property", imagine the world we'd live in if everybody felt free to create something like Mariovania
Play it if you have a soft spot for one or both the parents of this illegitimate child

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2021
